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To know who we are, you need to know how 10 Minutes With Jesus started out.
In June 2018 Maria Feria, a mother and a teacher at a Catholic school in Galicia, Spain, asked the school chaplain if he would record some short talks on spiritual topics so that during the summer break she could share them with her children and the young people around.
The chaplain, Fr Jose Maria, who is a Catholic priest of the Opus Dei prelature, contacted some friends who were also priests (Fr Mariano, Fr Javier and others) to work on this exciting project together. By the end of the summer hundreds of people were already receiving these audio-talks daily. So the group of priests decided to carry on, and have produced a 10-minute Spanish-language talk every day since then.
On August 22, 2019 Fr Joe, Fr Gavan and Fr George, priests of Opus Dei, began to record meditations in English with a few other priest friends and with the help of Laura, Cristina and Juanes, among others. Soon they were joined by priests from other English-speaking countries…
Now the 10mwJ team is scattered all over the world. We don’t even all know each other, but we’re united by the internet and love for God. Priests and lay-people from the five continents make it possible for thousands of people to receive these meditations and so grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Lots of factors go into planning these short meditations. Here are some of the habits that guide us in our prayer.
10 minutes with Jesus are brief reflections that aim to bring Jesus’ life closer to listeners. The word most frequently used is… Jesus.
The aim is for listeners to develop their own close relationship with Jesus, so that they can look at Him, listen to Him and speak to Him. The priest sometimes addresses Jesus directly, speaking from the heart – and from the hearts of those listening.
The priest tries to reach listeners’ hearts to bring them closer to God. He often uses current news, someone’s testimony, or ordinary moments from everyday life. Then he connects it up with a passage from Jesus’ life.
10mwJ focuses on details from ordinary life, work and home so that listeners learn to see them in the light of Christ.
10mwJ shows the beauty of Jesus’ life, His teaching and His virtues. It reminds us that it is God’s love that works in us to bring us to Himself. 10mwJ is not a push, but a way of attracting people to the love of Jesus Christ.
The efforts the priests make would be useless if their words didn’t reach people. God may wish to use you as a loudspeaker to get to new people. If you like what you hear, share it with those you think it might help.
Youtube 10wcJ
iVoox 10mwJ
Spotify 10mwJ
Here are some suggested texts you can send on Whatsapp:
Over 60,000 listeners in 35 countries in just two months. Receive on your Whatsapp a 10- minute meditation audio to help you pray every day.
You can join a silent group by clicking on this link:
http://dozz.es/j3wnl+info: www.10minuteswithjesus.org
Hi! I’ve joined @10minuteswithjesus, a ten-minute audio I receive on my whatsapp every way. It helps me pray. If you would like to receive it, click link http://dozz.es/j3wnl or go to www.10minuteswithjesus.org
Hey! Do you know 10 minutes with Jesus? Here is an explanation video and a link, in case you’re interested.
You can publish the 10mwJ daily video on your website and it is update automatically every day, without you having to do anything. Just copy and paste the following code lines on your web or blog.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/XVjfvht_S3M” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some months ago we launched a corporate video thanks to the support of our friends at Vente Arriba. You can paste it on your web or copy the link, if you like. You can find both options here:
Code to embed our corporate video on your website.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/XVjfvht_S3M” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Link to our vÃdeo
¿Qué es teaming?
Teaming es una herramienta online para recaudar fondos para causas sociales a través de micro donaciones de 1€ al mes. La filosofÃa de Teaming se basa en la idea de que con 1€, nosotros solos no podemos hacer mucho pero si nos unimos, podemos conseguir grandes cosas.
¿Por qué elegimos teaming?
e las múltiples opciones que hemos considerado nos decidimos al final por Teaming por varias razones:
¿Por qué necesitamos un fondo?
Con el crecimiento de 10mcJ hemos tenido que ir afrontando pequeños gastos. La página web, correos electrónicos, micrófonos de solapa para mejorar la calidad del audio, una app para editar el sonido, etc.
También nos hemos reunido en una ocasión -y tendremos que hacerlo alguna otra vez- para ver posibles mejoras y nuevos retos y, como estamos en ciudades distintas, estos viajes conllevan algún gasto.
¿En qué vamos a utilizar lo recaudado?
Lo que recibamos a través de Teaming lo vamos a emplear:
1. Gastos tecnológicos: Los servidores de la página web y las cuentas de correo.
2. desplazamientos ocasionales de los sacerdotes (vivimos cada uno en una punta de España).
3. Material diverso para la divulgación de 10mcJ
4. El remanente será dedicado a la formacion de seminaristas a través de la Fundacion CARF .
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